1016 search results for API Platform

... functionality is realy dynamic or just generated at compilation time when no user is logged in. In https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/2719#issuecomment-493445142) the discussion is about completely hide api ...
Jascha Lukas Gugat
Jascha Lukas Gugat
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... guessing you don't want to do that just to fix this small issue ;). The problem may be that the logic to "use an IRI vs embedded object" lives (I believe) in the AbstractItemNormalizer - https://github.com/api-platform ...
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... zendframework/zend-code (3.3.1) - Removing zendframework/zend-eventmanager (3.2.1) - Upgrading api-platform/api-pack (v1.2.0 => v1.3.0) - Upgrading api-platform/core (v2.4.5 => v2.5.7) - Upgrading composer ...
Hey The team, For someone who want to use SF5 with API platform 2.6 and PHP 8, I succeed to write this and it is working perfectly fine : ``` #[ApiResource( collectionOperations: ['get', 'post ...
... value to the repository method so that it can filter things. It's not a super cool solution that hooks into API Platform in some awesome way - but I think this should work just fine. Cheers!
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... on our site (after API Platform), but I absolutely understand that this type of tutorial won't appeal to everyone. We try to keep a "rotation" of topics to keep things interesting for everyone - e.g. instead of creating 3 ...
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... up with a CQRS implementation of some request lifecycles that get back a response with the user using mercure bundle. We also used API-Platform to fetch collections of the result of the command and events, with a ...
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Hey Andrei V.! Sorry again for my slow reply! I think you're reading too much into the recommendations from API Platform. Specifically, the MediaObject idea is simply *one* pattern for handling file uploads that (I ...
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... ": "", "file": "/home/mono/Projects/Goodness/vendor/api-platform/core/src/Bridge/Doctrine/Orm/Extension/EagerLoadingExtension.php", "line": 137, "args": [] }, i try to find the solution from api platform. but ...
... ": "*", "ext-iconv": "*", "actived/microsoft-teams-notifier": "^1.2", "api-platform/core": "^2.6", "aws/aws-sdk-php": "^3.232", "doctrine/annotations": "^1.13", "doctrine/doctrine-bundle ...
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... avoid calling ourselves recursively. Yikes! I hope that API Platform (or the serializer) will add a cleaner hook to all of this. > For example, I have yet no idea how to use API_Platform from the controller, or even if ...
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... ALL Adverts, not just their *own* adverts. That could be solved with an "exact" SearchFilter - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/relation-filtering#codeblock-dd301f85a4 - the frontend would add something ...
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Microservices Gone Wrong

... systems. And a team that I had the opportunity to lead a number of years ago, we wound up building a platform. And I'm gonna tell you a little about the background. But we made a bunch of mistakes and rather than let those ...

DTO Security

... fascinating! When we make a patch() request to a treasure, API Platform starts by using our data provider to find the DragonTreasure entity. Then we map that to a DragonTreasureApi object. Next, the new value is ...

The Secrets Vault

... support the Symfony project, so it's a win-win. Anyway, the trickiest part of the process is Step 2 - creating the .env.local file with all of your production values, which will include things like API keys, your database ...

Input DTO Denormalizing IRI Strings

... doing this. And... fortunately API Platform comes with an ItemNormalizer whose job is to change IRI strings into objects by querying the database... or... more accurately, by calling the item data provider. So why isn't ...

DTO Input Initializer

... what's happening now: API Platform sets the existing CheeseListing onto OBJECT_TO_POPULATE, but since we're not deserializing into that type of object, it's ignored and a new CheeseListingInput is created: But... we ...

Sluggable Doctrine Extensions

... entity is queried for or other times. You do this by creating an event subscriber or entity listener. We do have an example of an entity listener in our API Platform tutorial if you're interested. Next, let's add two more ...

The await Keyword

... that API Platform adds to every resource. It's... just more useful than a database ID or UUID because it's a real URL: we could make a request to this address to fetch that specific product. That "usefulness" won't be ...

Serializer Error Renderer JSON/XML Errors

... change this data, you could do that by adding your own custom normalizer. We actually talk about this in our API Platform Security Tutorial. You could decorate the ProblemNormalizer... and maybe just add or tweak some data ...
