There’s a library called Doctrine Migrations that helps do this safely.
Clear your production cache:
php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
Dump your Assetic assets:
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod
That’s it ...
Twig Extensions and Dependency Injection Tags
... them too often, but they’re
key to unlocking really powerful features.
A very important tag is kernel.event_listener, which allows you to register
“hooks” inside Symfony at various stages of the request lifecycle. That topic
is for another screencast, but we’ll cover a very similar subject next: Doctrine
... /php-code-coverage (5.3.2): Downloading (100%)
- Installing sebastian/exporter (3.1.0): Downloading (100%)
- Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.0.5): Downloading (100%)
- Installing phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects ...
Two questions regarding doctrine:
1) when I want to save to the db the images from a multi-select form field, I can't save them using doctrine's way. Example:
* Creates a new product entity.
* @Route ...
... translations for the same language, but for different countries (e.g. British vs UK English).
B) Translating your data inside Doctrine is an entirely different task (and you should make sure you need this - it's a lot of extra ...
... point, contain the correct
// array of Tag objects that was selected
// you can just save the Post to Doctrine now
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$em->persist($post ...
... `/products`, for example.
B) Internally (assuming your `ApiResource` is an entity), this will trigger the "doctrine extensions" system in API Platform... which includes the filters. In short, your custom filter will be ...
... tell Doctrine manually that the migration that failed "did run" (since you have basically completed that migration manually) so that it won't try to run it again on the next deploy. You can do that with the ...
... ` property is type-hinted as being an instance of `UuidInterface`.
C) The Doctrine column has the `uuid` type (though I feel like that shouldn't matter—not all API fields need to be mapped to the database).
D) The `$uuid ...
... ridiculously simple.
getting "Versioned" fields doesnt seem to work on the fly as it should, what i mean is this:
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Gedmo\Mapping ...
... pagerfanta/twig for twig support. Actually you don't need pagerfanta/pagerfanta at all you can install what you need such as pagerfanta/core, pagerfanta/twig and pagerfanta/doctrine-orm-adapter.
I have watched ahead and I ...
... /")" at /mnt/c/Sites/symfonycasts/code-symfony-doctrine/start/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/RouterListener.php line 136
[Application] Feb 7 21:02:57 |ERROR | CONSOL Error thrown while running command "make ...
... use the result data. Even Symfony Web Debug Toolbar (WDT) may be helpful here, you can check the timeline and queries that was executed during the page rendering and see some bottlenecks :)
4. That mode tells Doctrine ...
Hey jlchafardet!
Nice to hear from you :). I'll answer each comment independently.
In this situation, when it comes to building this EntityType, the form system/Doctrine doesn't care at all that you're building a form ...
... >getRepository(UserObject::class)->findOneBy(['username' => 'XXXX']);`) may not be enough because Doctrine is smart and tries to re-use things in memory whenever possible to avoid a fresh query.
Anyways, if this is NOT it, then ...
... entity, and the way I seek to solve this problem was to create it a temporary user (who has not been registered yet), that user needs a password but when I persisted it in a normal cascade (letting doctrine do its normal ...
... get the "original data" of my entity (User in your case) from Doctrine and compare it with the new data. For example:
// in the validator, assume there is an entityManager property
// will be an array of the data ...
... after deploy. This is, in reality, a lot of stuff: all of the YAML files (services, bundle config, routing, etc), Doctrine annotations, validation metadata, Twig templates: these are all "code" that you can read once ...
... - - and will also talk about AbstractController *specifically* in a few days on our Deep Dive tutorial - ...
... language" header, you have a little bit more work to do. You would need to parse the "accept language" header to determine which language to ultimately use. I would then *probably* create an "API Platform Doctrine ...
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