Restricting Access to an Entire Crud Section
... the Questions link does show up. EasyAdmin isn't smart
enough to realize that if we clicked this, we wouldn't have access. It's our
responsibility to make sure that the permissions on our link are set up correctly.
Go ...
... the "sub-category" field. As far as I know, EasyAdmin doesn't supply anything for that second part -
Personally (though I have not done this yet), I would solve ...
... list/show pages. It does NOT impact how your field renders on your *form*.
So how do you control how things are rendered on the form? For a hint, here is how EasyAdmin renders, for example, the "edit form" (this is ...
... RoleType custom form. My RoleType form class is as followed:
namespace App\Form\EasyAdmin;
use App\Entity\Role;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType ...
Entity Field Permissions
... for this entire CRUD, we can say
->setEntityPermission() and pass ADMIN_USER_EDIT.
Notice this is not a role. EasyAdmin calls the security system for each entity
that it's about to display and passes this ...
The Dashboard Page
... nothing tricky here. I am extending @EasyAdmin/page/content.html.twig.
If you ever need to render a custom page... but one that still looks like it
lives inside the admin area, this is the template you want.
If you open it ...
Creating a Custom Field
on a form. A custom field is a great way to encompass a bunch of custom field
configuration in one place so you can reuse it. And creating a custom field is
pretty easy.
Down in the src/EasyAdmin/ directory, create a ...
Hi - thx for the EasyAdmin tutorials - they're super helpful!
I had a question/clarification on the `orphanRemoval` piece - per the Answer class, the question id cannot be null (which is why you saw that error when ...
... Don't know if its because of the version?
"easycorp/easyadmin-bundle": "^4.5",
Hope this helps!
... not entirely sure!
I hope this helps - if you try it, let me know one way or another if it works. I haven't tried the dynamic forms library with EasyAdmin yet.
... the core!
I hope this helps! Let us know if you still have problems with following this course on a newer Symfony version.
This tutorial is really about the EasyAdmin bundle... but because that's just a bundle it affects other Symfony parts like routing, etc. and can't be standalone without a Symfony application :)
Hmm, ok. My theory is that there is a bug in EasyAdmin where it is not properly detecting that a CollectionField is being used on this page (because it is embedded down a few levels) and so the JavaScript needed to ...
... done anything this deep. And it's possible that EasyAdmin isn't setup to go this deep. It sounds a bit like some JavaScript might be missing. A few questions:
A) On the page, when you click the button, are there any ...
Hello everyone and thank you to the SymfonyCast team for this series published to learn how to use the EasyAdmin Bundle as a pro.
I'm a French speaker and I used deepl to translate this text.
My problem isn't ...
... do it in ApiPlatform like we do, then do it in EasyAdmin by, for example, overriding `persistEntity()` in your controller. Duplication sounds lame... but password hashing logic is already SO simple (it's just 1 line basically) that you are not really duplicating much.
Hi @Marouane-M!
Ah, interesting! EasyAdmin actually loads those filters via an Ajax call, so I'm not surprised that you're missing some variables when you try to render them in the main template. I've never tried ...
Hey Delenclos-A ,
Unfortunately, nothing is available out of the box in EasyAdmin for this, so you literally would need to write a custom field for this and add some javascript code to make it work. Probably you ...
... login and use user & session data in the main page.
How is it done here with symfony and easyadmin? it´s not such a weird case right? :)
... tutorial about EasyAdmin. We don't have specific plans to make it in a nearest feature, but I'll add it to our ideas pool.
If you want to know more about `useEntryCrudForm()` and `renderAsEmbeddedForm()` - take a look at ...
Hey Tom,
This is the latest version of the EasyAdmin tutorial. Yeah, in Symfony 6.2 the PHP attributes like `#[IsGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')]` you mentioned should work out of the box now, so you don't need to install that ...
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