... "owning" side of the relationship, we ultimately need that side of the relation to be set. If the new data were *only* set onto `User.professions`, Doctrine will not save the updated data in the database. This is almost ...
... on the *owning* side of the relationship (Post in this case). It's ignored on the other side. This mapping stuff can be tricky with Doctrine :).
I hope this guides you :)
... I don't really think that *anyone* needs a custom user provider if they're using Doctrine. If you need to do some crazy query for your User in your "authenticator", just call a custom method on your repository. You're ...
Hey Alex,
Here's an example I made for you:
namespace App\Form;
use App\Entity\Article;
use App\Entity\User;
use App\Repository\ArticleRepository;
use App\Repository\UserRepository;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine ...
... = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection();
$conn->query('SELECT * FROM articles');
For more syntax information take a look at docs: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference ...
... Error - ORMInvalidArgumentException
So while trying to fix this I then run into
The class 'Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection' was not found in the chain configured namespaces ExampleBundle\Entity ...
... package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Package operations: 41 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing doctrine/lexer (v1.0.1): Loading from cache
[OK] All assets ...
... some new insights in the logs :
security.DEBUG: User was reloaded from a user provider. {"provider":"Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Security\\User\\EntityUserProvider","username":"yvon.huynh"} []
[2019-09-16 10:30:03 ...
... too.
And that's it! We've covered the fundamentals of Symfony services,
configuration, and environments. We are powerful! No, unstoppable.
In the next tutorial, we'll introduce Doctrine - the industry standard way to ...
Pagination Column Sorting
composer require babdev/pagerfanta-bundle pagerfanta/doctrine-orm-adapter pagerfanta/twig
Cool beans! Let's get the PHP side working first. Open src/Controller/MainController.php.
The current page will be stored on the ...
Test Environment Database Setup
... point to that container.
When we refresh the page... it's not using the DATABASE_URL from my .env:
it's using the dynamic value that's set by the symfony binary. This is something
that we talked about in our Doctrine ...
Quick Create a DragonTreasure DTO
... system will still use the core Doctrine CollectionProvider, this query
extension stuff will continue to work and be called. That's just one less
thing we need to worry about.
Head over and refresh the documentation. Ok! Only ...
Pagination on a Custom Resource
... "jobs" of pagination. First, to return the correct subset of
the 50 results - which we'll do in a moment. Second, to return the count of the
total number of items. When you use Doctrine, it executes 2 separate queries
for ...
Bootstrapping a Killer Test System
... is cool: when we're in the test
environment, there's a bit of config called dbname_suffix. Thanks to this, Doctrine
will take our normal database name and add _test to it:
This next part is specific to a library called ...
... }. It knows how to make that query by looking
at the Doctrine relationship and figuring out which column to use. It's super
We can actually see this in the profiler. Go to /_profiler, click on our request...
and ...
Adding Lists Value Type
... products. The same is true if you're using Ibexa CMS.
So here's our next big goal: to add our Recipe Doctrine entity as a "value
type" in layouts so that we can create lists and grids containing recipes.
Step one to ...
Querying for a Single Entity for a Show Page
... id: 16! The important thing to
notice is that this returns a VinylMix object. Unless you do something custom,
Doctrine always gives us back either a single object or an array of objects,
depending on which method you ...
All About services.yaml
... (). So, these will not
be services in the container.
In the next tutorial, we'll create Doctrine entity classes, which are model classes
for the database. These will live in the src/Entity/ directory... and since
they're ...
Doing Crazy things with Foundry Fixtures
... created in the
database. Instead, the new QuestionTag object will be related to whatever Question
is currently being created. Foundry does this by reading the Doctrine relationship
and smartly overriding the question ...
Filter Results