... top of each column to filter, add checkboxes, events.
All why not using Stimulus?
By the way, I've always wondered if it was possible to override EasyAdmin to use DataTables instead, and have it use Ajax requests.
In short, if one day you decide to create this course, it will be insane!
My project is using EasyAdmin v.3.5.16 and Symfony v5.3.15. I have a description field which is a TextEditorField. I am wanting to either configure this field, add a custom type or some other solution in order ...
Hi, I read all the tutorial and it's very hard for me (english and EasyAdmin). I have worked with SF2 (in the past). I appreciate tutorials because you go on detal and it makes sense to develop comprehension.
Imagine ...
... will help to set a CSS class to that whole panel wrapper and that's it. But if you want to add some data attributes - I think you should override a template for this, in specific `vendor/easycorp/easyadmin-bundle/src ...
says that there is a method on AssociationField called renderAsEmbeddedForm() that is supposed to do exactly what I need, and I have the latest easyadmin version installed but that method does not exist...
I can't find ...
Hi everyone,
Easyadmin is great, no doubt about it.
I can't believe that there is no way to create dependent select fields, like describe here for symfony: https://symfony.com/doc/current/form ...
... (): string
return $this->getSequence() . ' of ' .$this->getMessageGroup()->getMessages()->count();
But it would be better to do this in a custome easyAdmin twig template.. but how can I get this ...
... go the Category form, the "description" field doesn't render... but if you change from TextEditorField to TextareaField, it DOES render. If so, I believe you have found a bug in this feature. My guess is that EasyAdmin is ...
... they're uploading, but you know what they say... Never trust user input. If in a website, you allow people to post images for example, this would be a problem.
I created an issue in the EasyAdmin repo: https://github.com ...
... document root - you won't be able to display them on the website, i.e. images will be outside of your document root, and so EasyAdmin won't be able to render the uploaded image correctly and you may want to tweak the default template to workaround it, i.e. do not render the image for example.
I hope this helps!
... they have a bit different docs for different version of it. But if it works with "bootstrap/js/dist/modal" path - great, thanks for sharing it!
Yeah, EasyAdmin have some tweaks to the bootstrap defaults... just to look less "bootstrappy" and be more unique, you know.
Anyway, I hope it helped!
... as the avatar in the top right, or the 3 dots at the end of the row on the index page) stop working.
I made sure that my project required the exact same version of Bootstrap as EasyAdmin. Could anyone shine some light onto what the issue could be?
Nice tutorial so far! I love it and EasyAdmin :D
Is there an easy way to generate an Admin URL with a preset filter?
For example, if I want to create different submenu items under the "Question" menu item, to list ...
I think, the best way is to use the VichUploaderBundle. It has a seamlessly integration with EasyAdmin. You can therefore configure VichUploaderBundle to upload data to the storage of your choice (flysystem where ...
Hey Tomas,
This should work, at least I would expect this too. In this case there might be a style bug in EasyAdmin. The dark mode in that bundle is pretty fresh feature that was added recently. First of all, make sure ...
... https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/complex-many-to-many
So, what you need to do is to create another entity that will work as an intermediate table for your other 2 entities, you can add as many fields you want to that new entity class, and then, create an EasyAdmin CRUD controller to handle it.
Hello SymfonyCast team! - didn't find a better place to write my question - so here it is: I'm trying to make a crud for my ProductSupply class with EasyAdmin, but the problem is that on details(show) of the ...
Yes, i was integrate it yesterday
1) need rewrite layout.html.twig
1.1) create folder templates/bundles/Easyadmin/
1.2) create in this folder layout.html.twig
1.3) copy intire code from vendor/...../views ...
... do?
I'm not familiar with the HTML and layout that EasyAdmin 3 uses. For this to work, in the rendered HTML, both those elements would need to be inside their own <div class="row"> element. What do you see in the rendered HTML?
... 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 65028096 bytes)" at /home/petrero/www/EasyAdmin/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/DebugExtension.php line 57'
I have a public repository at https://github.com/petre-symfony ...
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