367 search results for EasyAdmin

{% extends '@EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig' %}
// ... lines 2 - 8
{% block global_actions %}
// ... lines 10 - 20
{% endblock global_actions %}
See Code Block in Script
14 lines | app/config/routing.yml
// ... lines 1 - 9
resource: "@EasyAdminBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /easyadmin
See Code Block in Script
7 lines | templates/admin/approve_action.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 3
<form action="{{ action.linkUrl }}" method="POST">
{{ include('@EasyAdmin/crud/action.html.twig') }}
See Code Block in Script
34 lines | config/services.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 7
// ... lines 9 - 30
- { name: 'ea.field_configurator', priority: -1 }
See Code Block in Script
... ) technical reasons, EasyAdmin still grabs things directly out of a container (technically a "service locator"). Anyways, `$this->get()` was a shortcut for `$this->container->get()`, which is why the fix shared by ...
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Hello! Very good idea with EasyAdmin course! When will the course be available? Regards! ...
Do i need yarn .. or can i use EasyAdmin instead with the new AssetMapper .. ? ...
Which course would you recommend to use user management with easyadmin? ...
... in vendor/easycorp/easyadmin-bundle/src/Resources/translations/EasyAdminBundle.de.php ->i found 'label' => 'form.emtyp_value' => 'keine Wert' ... ...
Tien dat L.
Tien dat L.
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GG EasyAdmin has come a long way (glad to see the yaml config gone) ...
Finally! the last tutorial of EasyAdmin Course! Many thanks for your great efforts! ...
{% extends '@EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig' %}
{% block item_actions %}
{% set _list_item_actions = _list_item_actions|filter_admin_actions(item) %}
// ... lines 5 - 6
{% endblock %}
See Code Block in Script
{% extends '@EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig' %}
// ... lines 2 - 8
{% block global_actions %}
// ... lines 10 - 11
{% if easyadmin_action_is_enabled_for_list_view('export', _entity_config.name) %}
// ... lines 13 - 19
{% endif %}
{% endblock global_actions %}
See Code Block in Script
{% extends '@EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig' %}
{% block item_actions %}
{% set _list_item_actions = _list_item_actions|filter_admin_actions(item) %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}
See Code Block in Script
// ... lines 1 - 4
<span class="fa fa-key"></span>
{{ include('@EasyAdmin/crud/field/id.html.twig') }}
See Code Block in Script
Hello ! This is just an awesome feature ! It should be part of EasyAdmin official repository, why not submit a PR ? ...
Sorry, I was referring to symfony / ux-chartjs. Can it be integrated into the EasyAdmin 3v dashboard? ...
Hello, would you please give me some hints how can I integrate my AWS DynamoDb with easyadmin ? ...
Parham A.
Parham A.
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Hi Are you planning to update the tutorial on EasyAdmin with SF4 + connection with Guard ? best regards, Gregory ...
Hmm, how are you telling EasyAdmin to use your form type? Also, let me see your CustomFormType code ...
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