Custom Resource State Provider
... operation.
Let's start super basic: return an array with two hard-coded new DailyQuest()
objects. They're both empty... because that class doesn't have any properties.
To tell API Platform to use the shiny new provider, in ...
Collection Types and readableLink
Something a bit odd just happened: in order for API Platform to correctly serialize
the mostPopularListings collection, we had to explicitly tell it what was
inside the collection. Why?
To learn what's going on, let's ...
OpenAPI Specification
Confession time: this tutorial is about a lot more than just API Platform. The
world of APIs has undergone massive changes over the past few years, introducing
new hypermedia formats, standards, specifications ...
UUID Quirk with id Name
It fails! It says:
Update is not allowed for this operation.
This... is sort of a bug in API Platform. Well... it's not that simple - it's related
to the idea that the id field is, sort of special, in the jsonapi format ...
Input DTO Update Problems
... an existing CheeseListing object
from the database when the operation is an update.
And... doing this is pretty easy! When we make a put request - or really, any
item operation - API Platform already queries for the ...
Totally Custom Resource
... pretend that the data comes from somewhere
So, instead of making an entity, we're going to
create a brand-new class and put it in this ApiResource/ directory. This directory
was added for us by the API Platform ...
Hello API Security API Docs on Production
Friends! Welcome to part 2 of our API Platform series - the one where we're
talking all about ice cream, um, security. We're talking about security, not uh,
ice cream. Hmm. Um, it's going to be almost as awesome as ice ...
DTO Data Transformer
To get an output DTO class to... ya know... actually work, we need to write
code that converts our CheeseListing object into a CheeseListingOutput object
so that API Platform can serialize it. The "thing" that does that ...
Context Builder Service Decoration
When you make a GET request for a collection of users or a single user, API Platform
will use the same normalization group: user:read. This means the response will
always contain the email, username and cheeseListings ...
SymfonyCon 2019 Amsterdam Conference Videos
... tracks, 30 speakers and 33 talks ranging from watching the live release of Symfony 5, to API Platform, Messenger, and many more things.
Ready to watch (or re-watch) the presentations? The videos are available to all ...
Hydra Describing API Classes Operations More
... have a predefined way to advertise what your
models look like. But then Hydra says:
What if we allow the API classes to be described with a key called
Here's the big picture: API Platform allows us ...
Why/When a Many Relation is IRI Strings vs Embedded
... using a group called
Whenever API Platform sees an embedded object:
It looks at that object - so CheeseListing - and looks to see if any of
its fields are in that same group. And there are no properties ...
Core Listeners Accessing the Resource Objects
... objects that are about to be displayed so that we can set custom
data on all of them?
To answer that question, search for "API Platform events". We haven't talked much
about the API Platform event system yet. But in reality ...
User API Resource
... This is something that's flexible in API Platform.
In fact, instead of using an auto-increment id, one option is to use a UUID.
We're not going to use them in this tutorial, but using a UUID as your identifier
is something ...
Logging in Inside the Test
... We've added two options when we make the request: a Content-Type header, to tell
API Platform that any data we send will be JSON-formatted, and a json option set
to an empty array which is enough to at least send some ...
Customizing the OpenAPI Docs
... from the OpenAPI spec document that
API Platform builds. You can see this document either by viewing the page source -
you can see it all right there - or by going to /api/docs.json. A few minutes
ago, we added some config ...
More Formats HAL CSV
API Platform supports multiple input and output formats. You can see this by going
to /api/cheeses.json to get "raw" JSON or .jsonld or even .html, which
loads the HTML documentation. But adding the extension like this ...
React Admin
... we point it at our API documentation and
then... it just builds itself! I think we should take it for a test drive.
Search for "api platform react admin" to find the API Platform docs page all about
this. This has some ...
... pagination! And
in API Platform... ah, it's so boring... you get a powerful, flexible pagination
system... without doing... anything.
Let's go to the POST operation and create a few more cheese listings. I'll put in
some ...
State Processors Hashing the User Password
... with Foundry, hashing a
password is simple: grab the UserPasswordHasherInterface service then call a
method on it:
But to pull this off, we need a "hook" in API platform: we need some way to run
code after our data is ...
API Platform
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