586 search results for Turbo
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Symfony UX: Turbo
The biggest gotcha with Turbo Drive is JavaScript. And that's for one simple reason: suddenly there are no full page refreshes! And... a lot of JavaScript is written to expect that behavior. Let's see how some classic ...
... returning a turbo stream: reviews.stream.html.twig is responsible for updating both spots. Cool, but remember that the reviews list and review form live inside of a turbo frame. And so, before we started messing around ...
... right here. There is nothing fancy about this: this is a normal HTML form with no custom JavaScript and no turbo frame. And, mostly, it works great! Fill out the form... and submit. Ooh, that's smooth... just because ...
... details and submit. Oh! The modal did close... but we have an error in the console! Response has no matching <turbo-frame id="product-info"> element. Ah, the problem is that, even though we closed the modal, the turbo ...
Recently, we received a fascinating question, summarized as: Suppose I submit a Live component to a LiveAction and redirect from there. How can I make this navigate a <turbo-frame> instead of the full page? Let's learn ...
By weaverryan
... In this week's live stream, we dive Turbo 8, view transitions, and "morphing": the key tech behind LiveComponents & a new feature in Turbo 8. We work on how to make our Stimulus controllers morph-ready, including the UX ...
Polished CSS Transitions
CSS Page Transitions
Globally Disable Buttons on Form Submit
Adding a Custom Request Header Based on the Frame
Redirecting the Full Page from a Frame
Smart Frame Redirecting with the Server
... In this week's live stream, we get some updates on the "active value" change in Turbo 8 morphing. Then we dive into work on a PR for the autocomplete component: making it morph-ready... which is tricky! Good news from ...
By weaverryan and sadikoff